Saturday, May 11, 2013

Daddy-Daughter Date (A Learning Experience)

I spent the day with my dad, driving to Flint to pick up a package. We took my brother's car which is a manual. Just as we left he told me to grab my stuff, because I was going to learn how to drive this beast!

  He has wanted me to learn how to drive a stick shift for quite sometime, and this is not my first time in the driver's seat of this little car. If I remember correctly, last time I tried this, we went about 10 feet in about 20 tries. We didn't even make it down the driveway, but today was a new day! I was determined that I was going to do it! First, I had to master those pedals.

It is kind of like Irish dancing only sitting down. Finally, after going around and around and around and around, in a high school parking lot in Durand, I finally got to drive on an actual road!

Look out world, we are on the road!
We went through podunk little towns with very few cars on the road. There were so many stoplights and stop signs. I do not like STOPPING! I did manage to stall the car in an intersection with on coming traffic only once! Thank goodness for hazard lights. To continue with the lesson we drove

 and drove
 and drove
and drove until we found an expressway! (Yes! Freedom from stop signs and stoplights!)
 We found a Tim Horton's and decided it was time for coffee. (He really knows the way to my heart.)

We drove about 45 miles, granted 20 of those miles were from doing circles in Durand, but it was the perfect way to spend an unforgettable day with my dad.

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