Monday, December 28, 2015

A Year In Review and New Goals

2015 In Review

How is the end of the year already here?!? I am just so grateful for the way God has blessed me all year. Let me just tell you about some of the things.

1. He has blessed me in allowing me to pass all my board exams for respiratory! PRAISE GOD I don't have to take another respiratory board exam! 
(Ya see that? LISA M. BUTLER RRT!!!)
I also work for a great hospital which was another goal for the year.

2. I am in the nursing program at Ferris and I received  all A's last semester. I know crazy to do nursing with my respiratory degree but I am really happy about being in the nursing program. If you are wondering why I am doing nursing still, click here.

3. I ran/walked my first 5k! The color run was a perfect way to start this crazy running thing. I love running but I have put a stop to it for the end of the year because of the cold.

4. I got a new car! A 2011 Equinox named Louie. He is quite the looker.

5. Mushy alert: I'm pretty sure I have the best boyfriend ever! He is sweet, caring, loving and always puts my needs first. I am completely blessed to have him in my life. Our little adventures are so fun! He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. 10 months together and counting!

6. One of the last exciting things happening in my life is my best friend finally moved back to GR. I've missed her so much and though we don't get a lot of time together I am so happy I can see her.

I am sure there is a lot of things I forgot but this year has been one of the best! I cannot wait to see what this coming year has in store.

2016 Resolutions:

1. Lose 40lbs - I am jumping on the band wagon of weigh lost for the new year. If you want to know more about why I am the way I am (weight wise) click here.
2. Blog at least once a month - And actually do it once a month, I kinda waited till the last minute for these past months. No More! I shall post once a month!
3. Run at least once a week - This kind of goes a long with the first goal but I really enjoy running and I need to take a little time to myself and just exercise.
4. Take some piano lessons. My friend has agreed to help me relearn the piano. I always took playing the piano for granted and now I actually want to play something beside the flute. (a progress blog post to be written soon).

I truly hope you all had a great year and continue to have a great year with these last two days. May your new year be filled with love and joy! Remember to be kind to others around you as you do not know the battles they are fighting. Remember to tell those you love, "I love you." Lastly, enjoy what has been given to you.

Merry Christmas!

Nursing school semester one, is complete and I could not be more excited!

This semester has been long and quite frankly boring. Yes, I learned new things like how to catheterize someone and I learned a lot of about sterile technique, but it hasn't been as interesting as my former schooling. I am hoping next semester is more exciting and invigorating. They, (the teachers) say it will be hard and we need to start studying now. Isn't that a little bit impossible? I guess only time will tell.

Merry Christmas!
🎤 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎤 

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. My family normally has a couple Christmas'. We have a Butler Christmas, My mom's dad's Christmas, and a immediate family Christmas. My most favorite thing about Christmas is the reason for the season. My home church (Highland Hills Baptist Church) holds a Christmas Eve service every year, ever since I can remember it has been at 10:00pm. I love when the voices are so loud it rings in the church. I also love lighting candles and singing about the love that God has for us. When the service is over most years we open presents, drink coffee and stay up until Christmas Day. Here is just a few pictures of the fun!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and remember the reason for the season. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Painting with Stacy (November)

As most of you know, I am not an artistic person at all. My painting, drawing and craft skills are pretty limited, but my friend Stacy is a darn good painter, drawer, and crafter. She is everything I am not, and I am everything she isn't. Our friendship is pretty much perfect. 

Stacy and I recently went to a painting studio where they taught us how to paint. My picture was quite terrible as seen below and Stacy's was quite beautiful. I had no idea what I was doing the majority of the time, but it was relaxing. 

November is cold and when cold weather comes we need warm treats to keep us happy. Jake and I made apple crisp! It was super yummy. (Don't be too jealous)

Maybe when I am done with school I will learn how to make a baking blog. (Suggestions for names of the baking blog are being taken now) 

Speaking of school, I am almost done with this first semester and I am not quite sure I am a fan of poking people with needles all day, but if it saves a life I will do it! I am looking forward to next semester. I am hoping it will be more of a challenge. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Cars, Birthday, and Halloween (October)

So much has happened this month! I just had to write about all of it. First, I got a new (to me) car!!! I got a 2011 Equinox LT. I love it! So much room to move around and it is so big compared to my little bug. 

(Brought the baby home today)

Things that are harder in this vehicle: parking. Im not quite used to parking this beast yet. I haven't hit anything, but I just need to remember that he is a good two feet longer than the bug. Say hello to Louie (the equinox), and goodbye to Henry (the bug). (Henry went to a nice 16 year old girl from Grand Haven area).

OCTOBER 27: Dad's Birthday!!!

My lovely aunt decided to make my father a cake this year for his birthday. We all had to put a decoration on the cake! I put a tree on! Doesn't it look pretty?!? Happy 57th birthday Dad!
 Story time: It just so happened this year my mom and aunt made a cake, and they didn't tell each other so we had two birthday cakes! Sweet, right?!? We went to a restaurant in Newaygo and the waitress and other customers told us, "those cakes looks amazing!" One of the customers came over and asked if she could have some! I was surprised but yes, we gave them some, and we ended giving their entire table some cake.

OCTOBER 31: Happy Halloween from the kids. 
I wanted to dress them up like a butterfly! They are so adorable but they look like I am killing them by making them wear such a ridiculous costume.

                                         (ICE)                                                                                                              (STAR)
 Jake and I also participated in my church's trunk or treat which turn into a inside trick or treat.
I think we gave away some 700 pieces of candy. 

Happy Halloween from the tooth and tooth fairy.

ArtPrize! (September)

One of Grand Rapids biggest events! 
Artsy people and non-artsy people take the streets to look around and see what other artsy or non-artsy have created with recycled goods, new goods and pieces from a junkyard. 
From what I heard it can take years or days to make these pieces. 
My boyfriend and I decided to check out the artwork. (Silly me, forgot to take pictures of this event). I did get a few silly ones.

 It was so cold when we went inside a cafe and people watched (Which is an art itself. People are so weird sometimes). 

(We did manage to get a picture with the artprize giraffe!)

Overall, it was just a nice evening with an amazing guy.