Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Year's Resolution Update

It has been way too long since I wrote on of these. I have been busy with school, clinicals and life, but I finished my semester on Monday! I am done for two weeks, then back for summer school. 
Remember my resolutions? If you don't, you can read about them here. Here is just a little update on how I am doing.
1. Baking one thing for 52 weeks. - I am not going to lie, this is a little harder than I first thought it was going to be. I am about two weeks behind, but hopefully I will make it up during my break. Here are just some of the things I've made

2. Learn how to carry on a conversation - I still need a little work on this one, but it is getting better. I've found if you just ramble on about random things time goes a little faster. 

3. Graduate - Since it is not December yet I haven't graduated, but I am done with my second semester of Respiratory! Two more to go! Then on to nursing school.

4. Meeting new people - I have actually accomplished this one! I have met a whole bunch of new people lately. Mostly because in clinicals you meet new people everyday. 

5. Stop Judging - I think I have starting to come a long way on this one. I have become to realize, it is not my place to judge people. I am sure that I have commitment just as many wrongs as they have. I will always have to keep myself in check, to ensure I don't judge. This problem will probably not go away. 

6. Devotions - This one is hard to admit, I did really good until March, then something happened where I just stopped. Today, I will pick it back up! God is way to important to forget about.

1 comment:

  1. Just ask people about themselves, particularly something you saw them write about on FB :) People love to talk about themselves! And about #5, I always try to keep in mind that there's a whole story behind every front door. You just have no idea sometimes. You go girl!
