Monday, November 30, 2015

First 5K! (August)

This August was a very special month as I ran/walked my first ever 5k! Of course you can't run the "happiest 5k on the planet" without a few of your best friends!

Thank you Liz, Pat and Jason for running with me! You guys have encouraged me to keep pushing through to get to my goal, hopefully next year I can run the whole thing or at least half of it. I can't forget my best friend was there cheering me on!

We did it! We finished and celebrated by throwing more powder in the air and becoming super shiny people.

Here are a few miscellaneous pictures from August:

                             Happy 6 months honey!

                   Happy Birthday JACOB!

Happy Fourth of JULY!


First of all, thank you to all who serve to keep this country free!
This year my family went to Battle Creek for an Ultimate Air Dog event.
My dogs are national champions in dock jump.

Exhibit A: Star is amazing (but I might be a little bias).
To continue with the story, this year my family went to see the ballon and air show located in Battle Creek.
Jake and I went to see all the cool things and meet my second family. This post will be mostly picture... your welcome :)

(I love him)

We spent the whole day outside! And needless to say we were both so sunburned it hurt to move.
The next week it was up Lake Ann Baptist Camp to volunteer as Respiratory Therapist for the week. Not to mention my best friend is from up there so I got to help her and see her for the whole week!

I missed her so much while she was at school, I am so glad she decided to move back to GR, even though we don't have a lot of time to hangout right now. It is nice to see her smiling face.

Sunset, Birthdays, and Fruit Picking (June)

One of my goals for 2015 is to write a blog post of every month. So here is a brief synopsis of JUNE!

Evy turned 3! My (adopted) niece turned the big 3! It was such a joy to be able to watch her interact with her parents and grandparents. I am so blessed that she calls me Auntie Wisa. It melts my heart every time she says it. It warms my heart every time she voluntarily gives me a hug and kiss.

Jake and I spent some time picking fruit! Our first ever picking experience as a couple. I guess I ate to many strawberries, Jake was embarrassed. (lol) The strawberries were delicious and the cherries were sweet and tart! 

 Did anyone else see the planets in June? Jake and I went out several nights a week to look at the sunsets. 

Waiting to see God's beauty in the night sky. 

You can see the planets better on the right picture. What and ideal night to look at the stars, planets, and God's creation.