Monday, August 10, 2015

Stacy's Graduation! (May Edition)

May is an exciting month for graduating college students! That means getting out of school. A lot of us are in school for 18-20 years! Unless you're crazy like me, it is going to be 24 years in school.  But this past May I got to witness my best friend graduate! I travelled to Bethel College and watch a beautiful, Godly ceremony. We've been through so much together and I can't wait to see what other adventures we will go on.

Stacy, I am so proud of your accomplishments! I can't wait to see what trouble, adventures and stories we will have in the near future. Love and miss you lovie. 

Moving Forward with Life (April Edition)

What an exciting month April turned out to be. So much thrill and excitement lets start in the beginning. I started applying for respiratory therapy jobs. Well folks, I GOT ONE! I am now a respiratory therapist at Metro Health Hospital. I am a whole three weeks into training and I am loving every minute at the hospital. So many people have asked me if the 12 hour shifts are long. Of course, but it does't feel like 12 hours. I feels like an 8 hour shift. Maybe because I love it, but I wouldn't change helping people for the world. Knowing that I can help people is what I love most, even if it as simple as a breathing treatment I feel like I did my part in helping someone and that is what helps me sleep at night. 

(Scrub life)

Another exciting moment this month is that I have accepted into NURSING SCHOOL! Finally after three years of waiting and applying I can now pursue my dream of becoming a nurse. Years I have dreamed of this moment. The moment where I can go to school for something I really, really want to do. Before you think I wasted my time in Respiratory school I most certainly did not. I am more equipped for nursing because for respiratory school. I thank God everyday that I was apart of a great class and had the opportunity for success in another area besides nursing. But my real dream is nursing school.