What do two young females do when they get bored? Go to the mall and shop of course!
The other day, my friend Stacy and I went to the mall to look at clothes, for our trip to Nashville! I was looking for just some nice summer clothes and a cute pair of sunglasses, but we stumbled upon much, much more!
For example, shoes! As my family can attest I love SHOES! In my opinion, one girl can never have too many shoes! I didn't buy any of these but we both thought they were outrageous.
Here are some of these crazy shoes! (Sorry for the blurry photos.)
Next, we wanted to look at accessories! What girl doesn't love to accessorize?
(Love this girl!)
Yes, that is a swimsuit with the solar system on it!
The last thing we looked at was signs. You know the funny sayings and quotes here is what we found.
This last one describes Stacy and I perfectly!
Since, Stacy is an artist, we had to spend some of the night doing an artisty thing! Her creation from chalk to this..
Look for our next adventure to Cabela's! It will be a terrific excursion!