Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mall Crawl

What do two young females do when they get bored? Go to the mall and shop of course!
The other day, my friend Stacy and I went to the mall to look at clothes, for our trip to Nashville! I was looking for just some nice summer clothes and a cute pair of sunglasses, but we stumbled upon much, much more!

For example, shoes! As my family can attest I love SHOES! In my opinion, one girl can never have too many shoes! I didn't buy any of these but we both thought they were outrageous. 
Here are some of these crazy shoes! (Sorry for the blurry photos.)

Next, we wanted to look at accessories! What girl doesn't love to accessorize?

(I feel Asian in this picture)

 (Love this girl!)

Yes, that is a swimsuit with the solar system on it!

The last thing we looked at was signs. You know the funny sayings and quotes here is what we found.

This last one describes Stacy and I perfectly! 
Since, Stacy is an artist, we had to spend some of the night doing an artisty thing! Her creation from chalk to this..

Look for our next adventure to Cabela's! It will be a terrific excursion!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Being Single

Remember those Disney movies we watched as kids? The movies about the princess looking for Mr. Right? Or the movies about stumbling upon your future husband? Nowadays, we feel so much pressure from the media, friends or family to find our perfect fit before our 30's. Of course, I am on the look out for my future husband, just like anyone else, but I am also enjoying being single. Since, I am an optimistic person, here is just a quick list about the benefits of being single.

Benefits of Being Single:
  • No late night phone calls - This means more time for my pillow and I to get better acquainted.
  • Saving money - You only need to pay for yourself when you go out for dinner! 
  • No controversy - You can hangout with friends male or female whenever you want, no special permission needed.
  • You can focus on school - School is very important. If you are spending thousands of dollars for someone to teach you, you better listen up!
  • You can be spontaneous - Go on a fishing trip with your best buds or fly out to Florida for some personal beach time.
  • You can find yourself - While single you can find out who you really are. While you are single you can find out what your dreams and goals are. 

Pep Talk:
As humans want to feel loved and needed by another person. We want to find Mr./Mrs. Right. God already knows who we are going to marry, when we are going to marry them and if the marriage will last. There is no reason for us to obsess about finding our mate when God already knows this. So my advice, enjoy being single. Enjoy the fact that you are not tied down and you can have as much fun as you want, whenever you want. God's timing is perfect, and when he thinks you are ready, he will provide you with someone you can't live without.

Jeremiah 29:11a - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord

A Mother's Day Gift Adventure

I went on an excursion with my best friend Stacy! We were on the look out for special gifts for our momma's! We decided that Meijer was our best bet, besides it was really close.

We knew we needed to get something for our mother's, but what? We decided to look at some art! Mom's like art right? Stacy wanted to get her mom this...

but decided this would be better.

I thought my mom would like this...

I mean who wouldn't want a free trip to Paris?
Then we looked at each other and thought flowers would probably be better.

We both found yellow flowers that our mom's love. 
Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful Mom's out there! We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!
(P.S - I love you Mom!)

Daddy-Daughter Date (A Learning Experience)

I spent the day with my dad, driving to Flint to pick up a package. We took my brother's car which is a manual. Just as we left he told me to grab my stuff, because I was going to learn how to drive this beast!

  He has wanted me to learn how to drive a stick shift for quite sometime, and this is not my first time in the driver's seat of this little car. If I remember correctly, last time I tried this, we went about 10 feet in about 20 tries. We didn't even make it down the driveway, but today was a new day! I was determined that I was going to do it! First, I had to master those pedals.

It is kind of like Irish dancing only sitting down. Finally, after going around and around and around and around, in a high school parking lot in Durand, I finally got to drive on an actual road!

Look out world, we are on the road!
We went through podunk little towns with very few cars on the road. There were so many stoplights and stop signs. I do not like STOPPING! I did manage to stall the car in an intersection with on coming traffic only once! Thank goodness for hazard lights. To continue with the lesson we drove

 and drove
 and drove
and drove until we found an expressway! (Yes! Freedom from stop signs and stoplights!)
 We found a Tim Horton's and decided it was time for coffee. (He really knows the way to my heart.)

We drove about 45 miles, granted 20 of those miles were from doing circles in Durand, but it was the perfect way to spend an unforgettable day with my dad.